A Gladstone journalist has confessed to living in "mango madness" for a month during Honey Gold season.
When reporter Greg Bray was first tempted to taste a Honey Gold mango by third party Gladstone district grower Ian Pershouse, he had no idea how much his life would change.
As Bray reports in his "confession" in The Gladstone Observer, March 7, 2016, his eyes started rolling, he started gibbering and minutes later he was stuffing boxes of Honey Golds into his boot.
"For a month we lived in a delirium of mango madness, then one day they were gone," he writes.
"Honey Gold cold turkey was a nightmare! Each evening, some bland dessert would be thrust under my nose and tears would fill my eyes. Sure, I was alive, but I wasn't living.
"Then, I spotted a small hand-written sign on the sign of the road and 20 action-packed minutes later, I was back at home tossing all the cans out of my beer fridge to make room for my precious load of golden fruit.
"The fewer people who know about this slightly addictive fruit, the longer the season will last. Let's keep it our little secret, shall we?" he writes.