Our summer strawberry farm is set at an altitude of 990m in some of the prettiest and highest country in southern Queensland’s Granite Belt region.
growing at stanthorpe
Our farm at Applethorpe, near Stanthorpe in one of Queensland’s coldest regions, was especially bought to grow summer strawberries, allowing us to supply year 'round.
The Stanthorpe Crop
Summer strawberries are grown between September and June, filling the supply window after our winter crop ends at Wamuran.
At this farm, the entire crop is grown under polytunnels to protect fruit from summer rain, wind or hail.
We grow varieties chosen for high colour and consistent flavour – over other potentially higher yielding types – which suit long summer days with up to 14 hours of daylight. With day temperatures rarely above 30 degrees celsius and an average of 14 degrees celsius overnight, the high country summer climate suits strawberries perfectly.
At harvest time, pickers move through the crop, selecting plump, bright red fruit by hand and packing them into trays. Picking continues every second day throughout the season, with plants revisited until all fruit is picked and the plant is spent.
Once picked, fruit is packed on site. Early the next day, it’s on the way to supermarkets in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.
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